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What's the difference between 5% spandex and 100% cotton
2022-04-06 10:24:12Admin

The main purpose of adding spandex is to increase the elasticity of the fabric. In the case of knitted fabrics, cotton can be used as a slim T-shirt, spandex is slim, especially for women.


1. Is it possible that 5% spandex will affect the aeration of clothes very much?

A: Hardly.


2. Is the higher the number of clothes, the more comfortable it will be? Will the higher number affect the permeability of pure cotton?


Answer: no, the higher the number, the finer the yarn, the more delicate the fabric, the more high-grade, the subject can go to the shirt counter in the mall to feel, 200 shirt fabric is what feel, compared with the brand of 80 price difference.


3, 5% spandex 95% pure cotton and 100% pure cotton at the same cost is not the same, or one of them is easy to make high number, make clothes more comfortable?


A: It is more difficult to make high-count yarns with spandex because spandex yarns are core-spun yarns, that is, short cotton yarns are wrapped around spandex filament fibers, and ordinary cotton yarns are directly "twisted" into yarns. So high count spandex is harder to spin. Of course, high support is not necessarily comfortable, but also with high density. If high count fabric weaves gauze, that also is a pad bottom of a steamer. There is a "needle number" inside the woven fabric, that is, the warp and weft yarn density. If a fabric is 133*72, it means that the fabric has 133 warp yarns and 72 weft yarns per square inch. The stitch count of this fabric is 133+72=205. If a hotel says in its brochure that its sheets have 400 stitches, it should be a five-star hotel.